
The discovery of amphorae, sarcophagi and epigraphs as well as the proximity to the consular Via Salaria suggest a probable Roman origin of the CASTRUM MONTIS PAGANI.
Later it is mentioned in documents dating back to the Lombard Kingdom, supported by the discovery of the famous HOSTROGOTAL HELMET OF MONTEPAGANO, today at the Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin.
The defensive walls and buildings, vestiges still visible such as the ramparts, the guard post, the three access doors – Porta da Sole, Porta da Borea and Porta da Piedi, which are a peculiarity of the fortified village “Mons Montis Pagus” , presumablydating back to the 9th – 10th century, following the barbarian and Saracen raids.
A walk along the narrow streets and alleys still allows us to read in their traces the urban structure with a linear pattern typical of small medieval settlements.
Subsequently the village became a fief of the Normans as reported in the first document that mentions Montepagano dating back to 1137.
Today in the borgo, in memory of a period of renaissance and economic security dating back to the ‘600 and ‘700, the historical stratifications are visible both on the facades as well as inside the private buildings.
In the same years, religious buildings were built such as the church of SS. Annunziata, which on the side portal overlooking Corso Umberto I and on the right of the main portal has two engraved dates 1611 and 1637, presumably indicating the two phases of its construction.

Our Mansion

The structure includes three homes obtained from ancient buildings, a bed and breakfast with four rooms and an event room with a magnificent garden. All subject to careful conservative restoration. All homes enjoy a magnificent panorama.

The Name

From the Latin mansio-onis (living room, dwelling) the name "Magione" was born which becomes "Nostra" because we want to convey the concept of family and friendly hospitality.

The Name

From the Latin mansio-onis (living room, dwelling) the name "Magione" was born which becomes "Nostra" because we want to convey the concept of family and friendly hospitality.

The Concept

The slow life, savoring the flow of time, enjoying magnificent landscapes with your gaze and dedicating yourself a moment of detachment from the daily routine.